Here you’ll find books and health materials in Karakalpak. Translated editions of Hesperian Health Guides’ books are locally printed and distributed by partners. Contact information for these partners, where to find books, and the status of translation projects are listed here.

If you have translated or adapted Hesperian materials in Karakalpak not listed on this page, or if you would like to support translation projects in Karakalpak, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Karakalpak Books

Dr. Oral Ataniyazova
PERZENT (The Karakalpak Center for Reproductive Health and Environment)
P.O. Box 27, ul. Sharafa Rashidova 39a
Nukus-12, Karakalpakstan, 742012
Tel: 998-61-222-34-17
Fax: 998-61-222-27-94

Dr. Oral Ataniyazova
PERZENT (The Karakalpak Center for Reproductive Health and Environment)
P.O. Box 27, ul. Sharafa Rashidova 39a
Nukus-12, Karakalpakstan, 742012
Tel: 998-61-222-34-17
Fax: 998-61-222-27-94
oral[at]online[dot]ru, perzent[at]online[dot]ru