For decades, Peace Corps volunteers have taken Where There Is No Doctor with them on their service trips. Upon returning to the US, many Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) share with Hesperian how they have used Doctor to tend to health needs that arose in their host communities in rural, low-resource areas as well as their own. PCVs have consulted Doctor and other Hesperian books to prepare rehydration solutions, reduce fevers, deliver newborns and much more. Some RPCVs have even passed on their copies to their host communities and sent them Hesperian’s other health resources.
Join us on September 21st to celebrate the long-standing partnership between the Peace Corps and Hesperian during the 50th anniversary of Where There Is No Doctor with fellow RPCVs from across the US.
We want to hear from you, how did you use Hesperian books during your Peace Corps service?
Please email your submissions or any questions you have to! If you have them, any photos of our books in action can be sent with your stories. You can find some examples of stories from RPCVs we’ve collected here.
Winners will be chosen at random. The deadline to enter this contest is August 25, 2023.
4 winners will get to send a Hesperian Library set to a community of their choice. This set includes Where There Is No Doctor, Helping Health Workers Learn, Where There Is No Dentist, Health Actions for Women and more!
Read the inspiring stories of 4 PCVs using Hesperian materials abroad to save and change lives! You can find the article in the Spring 2023 issue of WorldView magazine or read it on our website.