Hesperian’s General Health books equip readers to protect and care for their own health and that of their families and their communities with accessible and actionable health information.
General Health
Hesperian’s General Health books equip readers to protect and care for their own health and that of their families and their communities with accessible and actionable health information.
Books & Booklets
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Fact sheets
ASECSA is an umbrella organization serving more than 40 health promoter groups throughout rural Guatemala. Using a community-first approach, they train health promoters and midwives living in remote and rural areas on chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease and other relevant health topics. Their health workers deliver services and information in Indigenous languages and Spanish and integrate traditional medicine practices.
ASECSA has worked with Hesperian for decades as a field-tester, distributor and translator on books such as A Book for Midwives, Health Actions for Women, Where Women Have No Doctor and The NEW Where There Is No Doctor. They are a Founding Member of the People’s Health Movement.
current initiative
New WTND Mental Health Chapter
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