Blog, News, Stories from the fieldFor decades, Peace Corps volunteers have taken Where There Is No Doctor with them...

Getting heated about workers’ protections
Blog, News2023 is on track to become the hottest year ever recorded. For people who work outdoors...

The buzz around the BBQ
Blog, NewsMemorial Day means summer is on the horizon for the northern hemisphere...

A new edition of “Where Women Have No Doctor” for a new generation.
Blog, Book, Book Promotion, NewsTo mark its 25th anniversary, a completely revised, updated edition of Where Women Have No Doctor is just back from the printer!

Remembering Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury
Blog, NewsDr. Zafrullah Chowdhury, an internationally known public health leader from Bangladesh whose organization, Gonoshasthaya Kendra, was one of the first to translate and adapt Where There Is No Doctor, passed away on April 11, 2023.