Tag Archive for: birth

New 2020 Edition of A Book for Midwives!
Blog, Book Promotion, News
Women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth every day, especially in low-resource settings where there is limited or no access to quality maternal health services and emergency care. Where other health professionals…

Safe Births and Beginnings
Blog, Book Promotion, News
For thousands of years, long before there were doctors or hospitals, midwives have been helping women stay healthy, bringing babies into the world, and caring for families. A safe birth is an essential support to the lifelong health of mothers…

Safe Pregnancy and Birth App Field Tested by Health Workers in Chiapas
BlogChiapas is one of the most marginalized and rural regions of Mexico, and faces unique barriers to improving maternal and child health.

Hesperian wins award for “Safe Pregnancy and Birth” mobile app
App Promotion, BlogHesperian Health Guides has been awarded $10,000 by Intel Corporation and Ashoka Changemakers...